Mighty Flames Ministries - Maryland


Prophet Anthony Turner

Mighty Flames Ministries has been on a mission led by "The Highest YAHWEH" to improve the lives of everyone he encounters through the prophetic word, divine wisdom, and divine revelation.

Our mission is to empower men and women in the now for their future by teaching them the basic principles of the kingdom and how to apply those principles to their everyday lives.

Kingdom Education

Image of Prophet Anthony Turner Teaching

What's keeping you from seeing true success in life and business?

We have many opportunities to tap into:

Kingdom Education - Basic Principles (Men)

Business Leadership Training

Marriage Counseling/ Pre-Marital (Abba Father Help Us get It Right)

How to Deal with Spiritual Warfare and Demon

What the Church Didn't Tell You

ABC's of the Kingdom

ABC's of Prayer 101 - Getting Results Quickly

Hearing the Voice of Yahweh Clearly

Who Am I? What's My Purpose?

How Emotions Get Us In Trouble

Got One Of Them Too

Prophetic Training 101 - Balance, Protocol and Order

Mighty Flames Ministries:
Improving Lives through Faith Healing in Maryland

Mighty Flames Ministries through its healing ministry has been serving people and providing spiritual counseling in Maryland, and surrounding areas since 2010, but it was only in recent years did Prophet Anthony start to upload his videos on YouTube. It was indeed a long time coming. He acknowledges that he should have started doing prayer for healing videos a long time ago.

Prophet Anthony’s daughter and his staff in the healing ministry have long been urging the prophet to upload YouTube videos to bless more people and touch a lot more lives with his prayer for healing. Finally, in 2020, the prophet uploaded his first video and has been regularly uploading spiritual healing and healing ministry videos from Maryland ever since.

Prophet Anthony Turner’s Video Series on YouTube

Prophet Anthony uploaded his first spiritual counseling video from Maryland on YouTube in July 2020, to test the waters and to see how people from around the world would receive his video. He would regularly upload videos if the reception is good. This way, not only those from Maryland will receive the healing ministry’s message.

In this spiritual healing video, Prophet Anthony shares a powerful message about the importance of faith and personal growth. He speaks openly about his own journey, acknowledging the mistakes he made early on due to a lack of guidance and a strong connection with God.

This vulnerability sets the tone for a message of encouragement and hope: it's never too late to learn and grow in your faith, no matter where you are in your journey.

Prophet Anthony highlights: It's okay to feel broken or lost; what counts is seeking help and self-improvement. This resonates with those battling inadequacy, emphasizing our shared humanity and the chance for growth beyond past mistakes.

Prophet Anthony warns against pride and urges accountability, emphasizing that these attitudes may blind us to God's blessings. He encourages viewers to strengthen their relationship with God through prayer, meditation, and scripture study to avoid repeating past mistakes.

In this healing ministry video, Prophet Anthony is talking about his recent trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He visits his brothers in Champaign Illinois. He had a great time of Turnership 2023.

He describes the event as filled with love, unity, and respect, particularly for him as a man of Yahweh. He expresses immense gratitude for the bond he shares with his brothers and the transformative experience they shared. He said that he will never forget the moment that they transition into this new beginning.

Prophet Anthony also mentions the enjoyable birthday celebration during the trip and the pray over he received.

He concludes with a powerful message: "Never assume in disagreement, just love and just show up."

Connect with Prophet Anthony and embrace the essence of Turnership.

When someone of a different culture does something to hurt us, it is quite easy to get mad - even if the other person did not intend to hurt us, and was only trying to do what they think is right. We will understand that instead of losing our cool, it is more beneficial to show Love.

Getting angry begets a lot of negativity in our life. Not only will the object of our anger feel bad and hurt inside, but people around us will also dislike us, and after our outburst, we will feel bad ourselves. But by showing love and kindness to the person who hurt us, everybody will receive healing. No one will get hurt.

Showing Love and kindness to the people in your family or community will bring spiritual healing, understanding, and peace to everyone involved. Best of all, showing Love and acts of kindness requires a lot less effort than berating and getting mad at someone. Indeed, Love never fails.

Through Prophet Anthony’s spiritual healing and spiritual counseling, countless individual lives have been touched. More than 6,000 prayers have been answered in Maryland, as well as in other states like Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, among others.

Because Mighty Flames Ministries is now providing spiritual healing on social media, specifically on YouTube, Prophet Anthony’s prayer for healing now enjoys a much wider reach. Even people outside of Maryland can listen to the prophet’s spiritual counseling and experience spiritual healing through their healing ministry.

Why is Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland an Effective Healing Ministry?

In John 14:12, it says "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."

About the mentioned Scripture, a lot of people are skeptical of the healing ministries of today. They ask questions along the lines of "Are church healers doing God’s work?" or "Do all possess the gift of healing?"

Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland cannot speak for all. However, in our case, our healing ministry has brought people into a place where they can know and establish a relationship with God. With this, we recognize ourselves as an effective healing ministry in Maryland. Here are our reasons why:

Mighty Flames Ministries are not the Healers – It is Jesus

As a healing ministry in Maryland, we seek to bring you out of a place of brokenness and despair and lead you to the Lord. However, at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland, our healing ministry team believes that we are not the healers. It is Jesus who heals.

As humans, we can only do so much. We are not able to immediately solve your life problems just by talking you through them. Our healing ministry members also do not claim that we have the spiritual power to miraculously heal you. Instead, we foster the truth that God is a healing God who has told us to expect divine healing as followers of His Son. After all, at our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland, we believe that having the power to heal despite not being rooted in truth only damages the cause of Christ.

With this, our healing ministry provides spiritual counseling. Rather than giving you personal advice, members of our healing ministry in Maryland will listen to you and offer you a prayer for healing. We also call on our other church members to offer their own prayers for healing. From there, our healing ministry introduces you to the healing Scriptures and intentionally walk you into an encounter with Christ.

At this point, we encourage you to humble yourself and listen carefully to clearly hear what God wants you to do. Our healing ministry team at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland makes it a point to do this because we know that often times, the reason people cannot hear God speaking to them is because the communication is blocked by the sin of pride.

Mighty Flames Ministries Lives in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Going back to John 14:12, yes, our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland has the ability to go beyond the works of Christ because we live in the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that in order to bring healing to various individuals, we cannot fail to acknowledge how the Holy Spirit works within us and you.

It is the Spirit, whom Jesus himself poured out, who enables our healing ministry members to point you to the glory of Christ so that through faith you may be saved from sin. In other words, through the power of the Spirit, we are able to become a bridge and help you build a relationship with God. And in this, you find healing.

By living in the power of the Holy Spirit, our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland also introduces to you the fruits of the Spirit.

The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The fruits of the Spirit are the opposite of the fruits of the flesh, which are anger, greed, jealousy, and many more. This worldly negativity is what brings you down emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. In the end, your willpower alone won’t be sufficient enough for you to deal with the problems that come your way.

Once you are introduced to these fruits of the Spirit, you will be filled with Him and live a life guided by Him. In other words, the fruits of the Spirit prevent you from succumbing to the temptations of sin. In this way, you will become victorious and find healing.

Mighty Flames Ministries Brings Forth Six Forms of Healing

Just like Jesus in the New Testament, our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland works in six forms of healing.

Spiritual Healing

As this is Jesus’ top priority in His healing ministry, it is also ours. For spiritual healing, our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland offers you spiritual counseling, a prayer for healing, and provides you with healing Scriptures. This is so we can help you restore or build a relationship with God and lead you into His Kingdom.

Inner Healing

These days, a lot of people have fallen prey to anxiety and depression. At some point, how to overcome anxiety, depression, or any other mental illness has become vague. Some of us lose hope of ever healing from our personal traumas. However, at our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland, we try to give comfort through the use of His prophetic Word, which will lead you into experiencing God. In this way, we can slowly help you heal from the wounding effects of your own sin and being sinned against.

Relational Healing

A lot of us have cut off our relationship with God due to built-up anger and resentment. Some of which may stem from our broken relationships with family, friends, races, and nations. At our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland, we offer you a prayer for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation in the hopes that you can restore your relationships or attain closure.

Physical Healing

As humans, it is inevitable that we suffer through the pain of sickness. At our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland, we offer a prayer for healing for your physical ailments. We pray that your body will be restored to complete health and that you may experience a part of the resurrection power of Christ.

Removing Evil Spirits

Because of our sins, evil has gained a foothold in the world. As a result, the path towards the Kingdom of God is blocked. Our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland prays for the removal of evil spirits in our dimension so that we may move forward to our final destination.

Healing of the Creation

The Fall has taken a toll on us. As such, at our healing ministry at Might Flames Ministries in Maryland, we pray that our dominion over the earth be restored so we can look ahead to the promise stated in the prophetic Word – the promise of a New Heaven and a New Earth.

Mighty Flames Ministries Does Not Rank Physical Healing Above Treasuring Christ

The miracles brought about by physical pain are just as wonderful as the miracle of having strength, joy, and unwavering faith despite the pain. However, at our healing ministry at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland, we believe that no human medicine can replicate the healing that Christ brings in the face of suffering.

Mighty Flames Ministries Makes Time for You

If you request for healing, our healing ministry team at Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland will make an appointment for you.

After our Sunday service, we can allot a time where we can offer you a prayer for healing. You could also set us up for prayer appointments that would run as long as you needed them to.

We also provide healing messages based on healing Scriptures during worship service, as well as offer encouraging Bible verses.

Mighty Flames Ministries Disciples Those Who are Healed to be Witnesses of Christ

In Mighty Flames Ministries in Maryland, the focus of our healing ministry is not just on physical healing. We also engage in the healing ministry in the form of offering prayer for healing, spiritual counseling, and the reading of healing Scriptures, so that we may bring you to the following:

  • To salvation
  • To be empowered by the Holy Spirit
  • To discipleship
  • To witness others about Jesus Christ

This is because we believe that certain people are gifted with the power to heal others. That is why, for those who are chosen to be part of the healing ministry, we nurture you through the power of the Spirit so that you are prepared to encounter God.

God will be the one to open the door for you to be part of the healing ministry in Maryland and witness to others the truth.

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